The ABC’s of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) are presented here in an easy-to-understand approach that allows access to general readers. The ideas in this book, and the way they are presented, is still REBT but this one truly falls in the category of self-help books.

Arguably Ellis’s best self-help book, “How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable About Anything–Yes, Anything” makes the simple, yet profound point that if you stick with your goals and preferences, and not stray into unhelpful demands that your desires must be fulfilled, you can rarely disturb yourself about anything.

Ellis identifies specific life circumstances where becoming miserable is a common outcome and then shows readers how to refuse to feel disturbed in those common situations.

Mental health professionals may also find this book useful in the practice of REBT, especially given that Ellis cites those specific situations and methods used, but as previously stated, it is definitely intended to be a self-help book.